Live Program will be in late 2024

Become the Definition of MAGNETISM. It's time to live life and business LIT THE F*CK UP. 


A live program where money, clients, ease, and magnetism is WHO YOU ARE.  Turn your lulls into power. 

This is a powerful journey of becoming the living embodiment of your design as a Gen/Mani Gen so you can experience the deep ease, magnetism, wealth, and quantum leaps available to you through complete embodiment. 


Through live modules, Q&As and life-changing bonuses, you'll step into the COMPLETE MAGIC available to you as a Gen/Mani Gen.

Gens and Mani Gens,

So few of us are actually embodied in our human design

And even fewer of us are tapped into that magnetism available to us in our businesses.

This changes here and NOW 

Welcome to Uhhuh Uhuh, a powerful program that integrates EVERYTHING you need to truly embody your design in business to see the massive results available to you in the deepest alignment. 

Gens and Mani Gens in business,

Are you READY?

You want to be in expansive FLOW STATE in business so you have spaciousness to SCALE

You want that sacral buzz of being ON. Where you're aligned and not overthinking

You get to have DMs popping off, people joining your offers, people upgrading and saying UHHUH to constantly continuing in your work

You want your business to be SATISFACTION driven

MAGNETIC to money, people, and launch ideas that ARE hell yes in your body

Waking up EXCITED

So many mani gens and gens are

But.. currently it’s dull

You feel tapped out of the sacral magic

Your gen/mani gen lulls are creating lulls in income & business growth

You’re going through the motions with your business and it’s not feeling lit up or inspired

Things are up and down in the business. You don’t yet know how to move through lulls quickly

You slip into

the energy of taking the same actions as you normally do but it doesn't yield the same results.

Following your sacral seems to not tap you into the magnetism and alignment

You implement & search for more business strategy which isn’t yielding the popping off in business that you want.

You start doing more and see that that doesn’t work, which leaves you tired and stressed out.


Imagine coming out of UHHUH UHUH...

💋Clients coming in out of the blue because of your magnetism. DMs popping off.

💋Expanding your capacity to receive money

💋Living a life so full of ease and light up that pressure is a thing of the past.

💋No more "in & out" BS in your business and launches. Holding the energy because it is FUN.

💋Consistent inspiration and business growth.

💋Feeling tapped into the ease of selling things out.


This is the thing you've been waiting for


There's nothing like this in the human design world. A space for you to deeply integrate your human design in BOTH life and business. 

To embody the energetics, decondition, and step into actually seeing the powerful ease and results of your alignment. 

So many spaces over-intellectualize human design, teaching you cool facts while your business stays the same. Uhhuh Uhuh goes deeper.  Where you BECOME the frequency of money, magnetism, and ease through mastering your lulls and magnetism

By doing the work in UHHUH UHUH,

I went from making less than 500$ a month to 4 years later having my first 100k cash month and creating a multiple 6 figure business that feels LIGHT.

I went from 16 hour days, severe burnout to working is such a light fun way, taking vacations, going on spiritual awakenings and following my alignment.

I went from 1 client a month to DMs popping off, programs that fill, and serving 100s of humans doing what I LOVE.


I live with TURNED ON magnetism to money and clients, with deep peace and joy and satisfaction from my life as a whole.


I had a 540k year, multiple 100k sales months, and the next year, took 6 months off of my business and still created 250k. 

Results from Gens and Mani Gens in Uhhuh Uhuh look like...

How do you know this space is for you?

We've had women step into doubling their income, 10k weeks, 100k months, calling in soul-aligned relationships, set powerful standards that no longer allow pressure, and step into LOVING their businesses.

77 gens/mani gens have had their lives changed through uhhuh uhuh.


We’ve seen results like:

🔥signing multiple clients in a week when it was previously crickets

🔥completely healing burnout and EASE GUILT

🔥5k in days

🔥doubling income

🔥A quantum leap from 13k month to a 50k month

🔥money wins, new client wins, business growth wins and MASTERING their energy


This is the activation that will tap you in. YUM.



You will learn:

How to MASTER your lulls

How to use the sacral to grow your business massively

The mastery of your magnetism to money and clients

to tap into the GEN/MANI gen flow state where inspiration consistently flow

The ENERGETIC mastery of being an aligned gen/mani


When you are aligned, satisfaction is the norm.



💋The live part of this program will be in late 2024 which will include Q&As so you can receive deeper support


Sacral Embodiment 

Go beyond knowing what your sacral feels like to letting it lead your life for the path of least resistance.


Mastering Your Authority 

How to actually use your authority and follow the nudges. We go deep into sacral & emotional authorities. 


Manifesting Through Your Design 

Now you're ready to call in MORE. More money, more clients, more ease. This is where you become an energetic match to what you desire.


Pulling Things To You: Magnetism 

You're meant to be a magnet and not meant to force anything. Here's how to call in more to respond to.


Underlying Energetics 

Align to the energetics of business flowing, and being a natural extension of you. This is where your energy does the work instead of overcompensating in the 3D.



The conditioning that will separate you from the natural ease and flow available to you.


Master Your Lulls

Generator lulls are normal.

But the income & client dips from your lulls are not.

Are you ready to become the Definition of MAGNETISM? It's time to live life and business LIT THE F*CK UP.

Will be $1888 for full price. Presale is on.


  • A resounding yes. Can you imagine starting with the foundations already in place? To learn not through trial and error but through deep embodiment. If you want things to work fast and to have an extremely powerful foundation to build off of, this is for you.

  • Lifetime baby. I want you to become your design.

    Which is a continual process of deepening, trusting, and deconditioning. This is where you do it ALL

    This is the only program you will need as a gen or mani gen to become the living embodiment of your human design.

  • Trust your sacral. Feels cliche, I know. But your mind will not give you sound guidance. Why? Because your mind is rooted in logic. If you want beyond logic, you must go beyond the mind.

    And if your sacral is calling you here, this space is meant for you.

  • This will massively benefit you. We've had women go through Uhhuh Uhuh who don't have businesses and find deep alignment within thier corporate jobs and even take steps to create a new business.

    There will be a couple modules that are business focused, that being said, still listen to them! It's the alignment and energetics you're after.

    No matter where you are, this will massively change your life.

  • ALL. I say this with evidence. We've had women at 100k cash months grow even more.

    We've had women making nothing in their business come in and start calling in money and clients. We've had women go from 10k months to 20k months through the alignment and energetics of embodying their design.

    Does not matter where you are at, if you want deep alignment as a Gen/Mani Gen, this space is for you.

  • Send me a DM on instagram or facebook my love!