The business & life ascension experience for projectors to lead the new paradigm of deep alignment that equals success.

The paradigm of BEING the success and expansion you desire without the fear of it all being too much, the fear that you'll have to push in your 3D reality to live the success you so deeply desire.

This is a powerful journey of integrating, being, and expanding in the power of being a projector to call in the wealth and deep success that is innate to you.

Welcome gorgeous projector.

You're here because you know, in your bones, you are deeply meant for success. It's your alignment theme for a reason. Because you are the person, it is most deeply meant for. 

And you're ready to step into it. In a business, that is a natural extension of that deep alignment to your flow, where you are deeply seen, and it feels like anything but work. 


The kind of business and life where you no longer subscribe to doing things you don't want to do, where your energy is so light and clean around your business that you are a magnet to the aligned invitations. You know, money and clients are invitations too, my love. And when you're deeply aligned, they flow. 💦


Are you?

Ready to start leading a paradigm that goes against the grain of working hard and getting results?


Ready to create such solid energy within yourself and believe that it's working that you no longer dip in and out of your business based on external circumstances?


Ready to run your business the projector way? A way where you honor your body, your flow, your energy, and the things you do are in deep alignment and potent?


Ready for the flow of aligned invitations (money, clients, opportunities)?


Ready to be seen? You're meant to be seen, and you can handle it. It's part of your deepest success and soo safe. 


Here to deepen that alignment? That knowingness within? That success that is innately you?

My love, welcome to the Projector Frequency. 

I love working with projectors. Why?

Because I see the same blocks within you that block the success that is soo deeply innate to your being come up over and over.

You’re afraid to go deep. Not deeper within your content, not deeper within your deconditioning, but deeper within the spiral that is your mastery of success.

Because success, on its deepest level, means you have to push the edge of what you fear most, failure.

The polarity of success, your alignment theme. The thing that is desired so deeply by you that you don’t go for it fully because it would fucking hurt.

And so you go just deep enough, you start pulling in clients and money through your magnetism, and you let your foot off the gas.

Just enough. And the reason you tell yourself you’re letting your foot off the gas is because “it’ll be overwhelming, or people aren’t seeing me, it feels like I’ve got my cap,” but the real reason is...

You’re deeply afraid of how fast you can be fully successful because holding deep success means energetically also being able to hold the duality of deep failure.

This goes deeper than anything you could ever write or share.

This goes deeper than your mindset work.

And this is the thing that will keep you in a holding pattern or explode you to the next level.

Because there’s this sense within you that you’re meant for more and also this deep fear within you of having it.

And to fully own it is the deepest energetic work that you will ever do, and you’ll expand so rapidly. And you’ll want to take your foot off the gas.

You’ll want to fall back into the old paradigm because your system hasn’t been able to hold the speed.

And as a 5/1 mani gen, I f*cking see your capacity and create the solid foundation for you to not take your foot off the gas.

Projectors in my world do this.
And I’m ready for you to do this too.

This is the deepest work you will ever do.
Are you ready to keep your foot on the gas pedal?

The projectors in my world expand...

Come into this frequency if...

  • You’re ready for aligned invitations to flow. You get the concept of waiting for the invitation, but you’re honestly over the waiting.

  • You’re ready to see the alignment manifest as clients and wealth.

  • You’re ready to stop trying to figure out the balance of work and play and for it to all feel like a natural flow.

  • You’re ready for rest to equal wealth just as much as the doing. You know it has to do with your frequency, but you’re ready to know HOW.

  • Success is the natural state you want to be in. Instead of feeling like you’re chasing the right strategy, the right thing, or feeling tired from doing what you should.

  • You’re f*cking over pressure. You’re over feeling impatient. You know that you’re here to massively change the world while simultaneously experiencing deep and expanding success (because you are) without the hustle and hard work.

  • You want to do. Sitting on the couch all day expecting miracles is not your vibe. Sitting on the couch, having fun, creating, impacting lives, making money, and expecting miracles: That’s your vibe.

This is where:

We keep your foot on the gas pedal of momentum and clean up all the energetic leaks.


 We activate the projector lightness and leadership so you can be in the projector frequency of alignment.


 We're stepping into the feminine energy where you move extremely fast, not based on the masculine doing, but through energy backing aligned actions.


We're activating the lightness around wealth, business, and clients.


We're dissolving conditioned expectations, pressure, and the work harder paradigms; and instead attracting from your self theme.

Energetically, physically, mentally, from your conditioning…
You've been expected to conform and fit the rest of the world's energy.

In the Projector Frequency, you learn to be your source. To be in projector alignment. To do life and business from a place of certainty.

What you'll receive:

There will be a live component to this when we announce the upcoming round in 2024. 

You get immediate access to:

The Projector Frequency 1.0:

6 modules

 -Module 1: Identity, Safety, and Deconditioning

 -Module 2: The Basis of Self-Trust Within Your Authority

 -Module 3: Projector Alignment Deepening in Business

 -Module 4: The Success Formula

 -Module 5: Failure and Success

 -Module 6: Content Creation for Projectors

Final Transmission & Future Self Meditation 5 Authority Trainings

+Projector Alignment bonuses

The Projector Frequency 2.0: an upgraded version of the original projector frequency.

6 modules

 -Module 1: Identity work

 -Module 2: Rewriting your relationship to SUCCESS, failure, and expansion

 -Module 3: Deconditioning low frequencies

 -Module 4: Solidifying your frequency so the 3D FEELS LIGHT

 -Module 5: Mastering YOUR EFFICIENCY for more space and ease

 -Module 6: Stepping into projector leadership that attracts people into your world


2 Q&A trainings

2 Bonus Trainings: Projector Frequency Types of Projectors and The Projector Frequency Authority Training

PLUS access to the newest round of The Projector Frequency coming in late 2024 which will have a live component.


💋Lifetime access to all content

There's nothing like this in the human design world

Projectors, really, you don't need another program or course telling you/"teaching" you more knowledge and information.

The same old same old BS

"See yourself, or they won't come"
"Wait for the invitation"
"You're super intuitive and absorb a lot, be sure to rest"
"Ohh, you can just wish your way into clients and money, working isn't for you"
"if you're not seeing the success you want, just feel successful"
"if you're bitter, you're misaligned"

Honestly, these brash generalizations (which you already know) never served your deeper embodiment of your human design.

You never actually saw the magic.

It resonated, but also, like "I see myself, and it's still not working at the scale I want it to"

Honestly, the whole HD world has me a little pissed when it comes to projectors.

And I know you're over it too. The oversimplification of taking naps and working 4 hours a day.

There's something deeper to unlock, but you're not going to touch that by learning more human design facts. A program that teaches you more, f*ck no.

More facts, more info, f*ck no.

What you're ready for is actually being your design.

The deeper pieces. The missing piece that goes beyond the typical BS if "see yourself and wait for the invitation"

You want a deep activation, not something that you have to show up for weekly and learn more.

That's why I created the Projector Frequency.

Are you ready to tap into the power, light, and success innate to you as a projector? Step into the Projector Frequency

The next LIVE session begins late 2024.



  • A resounding yes. Can you imagine starting with the foundations already in place? To learn not through trial and error but through deep embodiment. If you want things to work fast as a projector and to have an extremely powerful foundation to build off of, this is for you.

  • Yes. It doesn't matter what lens you look through, this will massively improve your life as a projector. Are there modules that focus on business, yes. But the undertone is the energetics, and this can be applied to ALL areas of life. Just the deconditioning modules will step you into such a level of success and transformation that nothing will ever be the same in how you operate in the world.

  • We've had women who are making 6 figures in sales most months go through this and deepen into the projector codes. It's not about where you are at, it's about where you are going. And the depth this container goes into for projectors is beyond what is typical in the industry. This is a powerful container to deepen your embodiment and from that, the only thing that happens is MORE success.

  • Lifetime baby. I want you to truly step into the projector frequency.

    Which is a continual process of deepening, trusting, doing the work and deconditioning. This is where you do it ALL.

    There's nothing like this in the human design world.This taps you into a beingness, not just knowledge. LET'S GOOO!

  • The fact that you're here reading this means that there is a deeper knowing within you. And your mind is going to question it.

    But the mind is not your authority. And when you trust that inner knowing, it leads you on the path of your deepest alignment AND the path of least resistance to your desires. YUM.

    You didn't find this course, it found you. Are you going to trust that this could be the most life-changing step you make?

  • This is so you become it. There's more here to integrate than could ever be taught in a program at this rate. Now, you get to absorb and listen to this in the background of your life. And the frequency I was in when I taught these modules in where you are going to get the deepest transformation.

    Each module is more than an hour long with such deep and powerful transmissions that you get to continuously soak in over and over again on your own time. This is the vibe of deep embodiment and integration.

  • Send me a dm for specials on private work in conjunction with the Projector Frequency to be FULLY supported.

  • Send me a DM on instagram or facebook my love!