Emit such a powerful frequency in your being, in your ability to call things in, regardless of the external.


How would it feel to...

Move from such deep alignment that clients and money were a natural extension of your being.

To go from trusting that things we're working towards your desires to BEING the energetic match to them NOW.

From searching for clarity to absolute certainty in the next steps on the path for you. 

Have you been trying to move from your human design authority but are still seeing little to no results in your reality?

Are you working to integrate and embody your human design in your life to be on the path of least resistance to your desires?

Do you feel like you are pushing in your 3D reality, feeling very little magnetism, and wondering how people all around you are quantum leaping?

This is where everything changes babe. Where it all flows, where you become the magnet.

The most revolutionary course for truly tapping into your Authority (no matter what Authority you have)   


You've probably been told what is possible when you follow your Authority within your human design...

That you are on the path of least resistance, that you are guided and led to your desires, that you no longer operate from pressure, force, shoulds, or have tos.

That the things, opportunities, money, clients, and inspiration flow to you unencumbered because you are in the deepest possible alignment.


And you may know what your Authority sounds like or feels like. You may use it from time to time.


YET... you wonder where the quantum leaps are, where the big alignment is, where the space and time and freedom are. 

Why does it seem like you follow your Authority, but your mind gets in the way? 

Or like things are not flowing. The magnetism hose feels kinked. 


I know. And the reason why so few people are seeing the results of deeply being in tune with their Authority is that... it's fucking scary. Or you do and then you don't know how to hold the frequency, so your mind sabotages. 

Following your Authority will lead you where you want to go. To the money, the wealth, the clients, the love life, the freedom.


But first, it's going to take you stepping out of the paradigm of being led by your mind and by logic. To step into the unknown. To lead a new paradigm. 


Welcome to Authority. 

Here's what other babes are saying about AUTHORITY...

The reason you're not manifesting your desires is because you want to.

I have clients come to me all the time asking, "Why were there periods where everything was so easy, where everything was falling into my lap, and I wasn't trying, and now that I'm actually trying for this, I feel blocked."

Because wanting is in lack.

It's saying to the universe, this thing that I want is not here. And the universe is inclusionary only, meaning it just says yes.

"Yes, you're right; it isn't here."


This is why I see so many entrepreneurs go to human design to try to turn the tap back on.

Of actually going for something WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY being in manifestational ease.

What's missing is the frequency difference between a want and a desire.

As long as you are wanting, you will be pushing in your reality, trying to make it happen, hitting sign-up and income caps, and feeling the pressure.

And when you feel like you're in completely manifestational bliss, calling in the most random magic things, you'll feel like a random creator who has no actual control over your reality.


The formula:

Desire AND being in your authority.

Desire steps past wanting because it's the anticipation of the inevitable. It feels like, "omg, I'm so grateful for this." Even though you can't see it, it is yours in your vibration (you can't trick the universe here. There isn't enough journaling, affirmations, or positive thoughts in the world to manifest your desires if your frequency still sees it as lacking.)

AND being in your AUTHORITY.

Your authority is the guidance once you are in line with your desire. If you try to get to your desire and make it happen, you've fallen back into the wanting and have tapped out of the formula. Your authority is the HOW, and it is unencumbered by logic and limitations. When you are in full trust with it, you're able to maintain the frequency of desire.

And so, it becomes a feedback loop. Your desire feeds your ability to be in your authority feeds your desire.


=Manifesting. Insane jumps. Leaps.


You can't want to leap; you just do.
You can't want to hit a new income level; you just do.
You can't want to manifest it; you just do.


This is what we are doing in AUTHORITY.

In this course, Your frequency will be shifting out of trying and instead allowing the frequency to do the work for you as you follow the natural pull of what's right for you with confidence, a certainty, a clarity that you are on the path of your desires.


In this experience, you will...

Create massive solidity within your frequency

Move out of the energy of trying to make things happen, and let your energy lead the way.

Stop wobbling in and out of desire to create solidity in your frequency (this is where you manifest rapidly)

Decondition the ways you unplug from your desires

Tune into your specific authority, so you KNOW how it works AND how it feels.

Step into profound clarity on what your next step is 


 This is the thing you've been waiting for.


There's nothing like this in the human design world. Most information about your authority is simply that, just information.

And so, very few people are experiencing the ease, flow, and massive success that comes with actually being your authority. 


This is where you BECOME IT.


I take you from trusting to being.
From searching for clarity to certainty.

Knowing your yes in human design is spectacular.

Following it is powerful.

And being energetically rooted in it within your mind and body with certainty that goes beyond trusting... This is EVERYTHING

In the moments before you pop (with money, clients, the aligned opportunity)

The moments where you have to make a hard decision.

The moments where it’s time to pivot and you have no idea if it's going to work.

Or when you're ready to do things in an entirely new way devoid of pressure and force and pushing in the 3D... but your mind doubts.

And this doubt is the wobble that keeps us tethered to a logical reality.


Results in my world look like...

💋Stepping into 10k months from a place of ease and flow when previously operating from stress and pressure

💋15k sales day

💋First 100k year

💋Hitting their first-ever 2k cash week

💋Selling their home for 1 million with multiple bidders and powerfully being in their authority throughout the process

💋Sold-out program on their first launch

💋Launched a mastermind and decided to step out of the need to earn their way up to what they desired to do now

💋Went from 3k-17k in 2 weeks

💋6k sales and three new contracts in 2 weeks

AUTHORITY is loaded with more than 4 and a half hours of powerful content, a juicy meditation, and individual training on ALL of the different human design authorities. 


Step into your POWER within your authority. Don't just learn it; BE IT.

What we dive into in AUTHORITY


Module 1 TRYING

  • trying hard in reality and feeling like your energy isn't doing the work

  • deconstructing the mind chatter that keeps us misaligned

  • being in flow vs. resistance

  • how to expand your aura and remove contractions within it

  • fixing wobble energy




  • why trying to trust has actually been blocking you

  • moving beyond trusting into being

  • tapping into your vision to manifest it rapidly

  • how to tell if you are on the path



  • deeper deconditioning

  • what to do when your mind is fighting you

  • frequency shifting

  • moving beyond the rules of human design






  • cleaning up energetic blocks

  • tapping into the true frequency of desire beyond wanting

  • moving with clarity of the moment

  • how to trust


Individual mini trainings on ALL of the different Authorities. 

Emotional, Sacral, Splenic, Ego, Lunar, Mental, Self projected

AND you have lifetime access to all content & all bonuses

This course has more than $2500 worth of value

And I am offering it for only



Why say yes NOW?

You're finally ready to stop searching for the next thing, wondering where the download is, and feeling disconnected from the quantum. And that, my love, is why HD is calling to you. It's meant for you.


Trust the pull of your authority, that little voice in your being that goes beyond your logical mind. 


  • A resounding yes. Can you imagine moving from your deepest alignment in your life? Knowing the next step for you? Being a magnet for your desires?

  • A resounding yes. If you're ready to no longer wobble and to be soo rock solid in your frequency that you are an energetic match for your next level (no matter what level that is), this is for you.

  • I KNOW. This is about deep embodiment. And to do that, I've offered lifetime access. This is the perfect place to start if you've wanted to work with me.

  • Lifetime baby. I want you to truly step into BEING your authority.

    Which is a continual process of deepening, trusting, doing the work, and deconditioning. This is where you do it ALL.

    There's nothing like this in the human design world.

  • The fact that you're here reading this means that there is a deeper knowing within you. And your mind is going to question it.

    But the mind is not your authority. And when you trust that inner knowing, it leads you on the path of your deepest alignment AND the path of least resistance to your desires. YUM.

    You didn't find this course, it found you. Are you going to trust that this could be the most life-changing step you make?

  • Send me a DM on instagram or facebook my love!