Create content through your human design blueprint that turns you into the highly sought-after leader who is paid to create, and paid to post.

Through the power of your unique expression, you become the one 

Your people deeply resonate with you 

Your content has the potency to transcend the limitations of algorithms

The HD Content Codex is where you activate magnetism through your human design and learn the steps to tangibly create content from your human design, while mastering the energetics, and strategic psychology of content that results in being paid and chosen.

Content is the power to be seen as the GO-TO chosen one and transcend the competition by bringing your power and HD blueprint through


Content is the MOST important activity in your business to:

🔐Make the impact you want to have

🔐Call in the people who are ready to pay you now

🔐For you to be seen as an authority

🔐For your sales, followers, and engagement (by the right people) to always be growing

When you leverage human design, content psychology, and strategy your content becomes the catalyst that doubles or even triples your income

There has never been a more important time to master these skills. More people are entering the online space, creating businesses, and creating content than ever before. And, most people are average with this so they see average results.


You’re ready for your content to be more than just a checkbox in your business. You desire the words that flow through you to feel like art. For every carousel, reel, every email, live to grow your sales and your audience 10-fold. 

The way to do this, combining your human design blueprint with a stand-out content strategy.

Formulas without bringing your human design is going to dilute:

📌Authority (being seen as the go-to expert)

📌Magnetism (people loving your content and buying because of it)

your human design is the key to unlocking AUTHORITY and MAGNETISM

This is for you if you are ready for content to amplify your soul’s work and be paid to post.

The difference between the person who makes multiple 6 figures from their content and the person who is creating *and waiting* for things to work is the HD Content Codex.

What's trending right now: jumping from creator to creator who claims to have the secret to content strategy.

Why this isn’t working for you:

The 8 figure coach already has influence and authority built so their formula won’t necessarily work for you.

Formulas (without bringing your human design in) is emulation of what works for another.

Very few combine their human design (the way you get attention and influence) with formulas for where they are. 

So 1 of 3 things are happening:

🚨1. You’re getting low engagement.

Very few likes, comments, and saves. Aka you’re not being seen and do not know how to garner attention (attention is the prerequisite to influence and authority. You cannot be influential if no one is watching.)

🚨2. You have attention without influence.

This is where you’re being seen but they’re not buying to the level you want. You’re posting and getting this response “Thank you so much for sharing, you’re so inspiring” instead of getting this response “I’m in, just paid, how do I work with you” 

🚨3. You’re being seen as a peer.

Peers are inspiring. Leaders are paid. Leadership is established by tangibly bringing your human design into your content and actually saying something instead of just following the crowd when it comes to content.

I see a lot of people creating attention that hurts their influence because they don't understand the psychology of being seen as a leader instead of a peer.

I see a lot of people creating incredible content that would work for someone who has already mastered influence, but for where they are, it doesn’t work for them. (this is the person who is waiting for formulas to work)

The HD Content Codex will be the most comprehensive program you will ever take to master…

🔐Attention so you are seen on a massive scale

🔐Influence so people desire to work with you

And 🔐Authority with your content so you are paid


✅CONSUMER PSYCHOLOGY (aka mastery of algorithms),

✅ENERGETICS (the mastery of leadership)

✅STRATEGY (implementable formulas that create attention and influence for where you are)

✅HUMAN DESIGN (where your magnetism influences people)

The truth…

Most people are waiting and playing the slow game without seeing they are stuck. Most people are waiting for things to blow up without being the person and having the strategies that make things blow up. 

Attention can be mastered very quickly if you know what calls it in.

Influence is something you can establish in everything you create if you understand the psychology of an influential person vs a peer.

I used to be a virtual assistant,

that's actually what I first started creating content for. I had less than 1000 followers on Instagram, and had zero business coming from Instagram. I would create content that looked like it was working on Facebook, receive a bunch of peer encouragement and was receiving attention, and also less then 1000$ a month. 

I started a 365-day live challenge and got an average of 5-10 views per video. 

I did a lot of emotional and energetic work during this time to become less attached to the metrics, and although I felt better about things, it didn’t result in me understanding the psychology of content. I started applying my background in marketing to creating and learned how to be seen as an authority.  

When I started my human design coaching business, I had a very powerful understanding of human design, and immediately saw how the combination of human design, content psychology and strategy could be the thing I was looking for to blow up my sales and become an authority figure.

Fast forward 3 years later, I’ve made a million in my brand, get DM’s every day asking how to work with me, and make an average of at least 1k$ per post, usually more. 

My clients do the same. Through this work, they’ve created 100k months, 10k  launchs and everything in between. They’ve mastered attention, influence, and authority. They have mastered the algorithm and receive these DMs “How do I work with you?” Their content converts.


🚨Most human design programs around content simply go into “if you’re this human design type, do this” Or if you have this center defined, do this.” 

🚨Most human design programs about content are energetics-based without the tangible application or the know-how to gain attention, wield influence, and build authority.

Very few teachers in their own content have mastered the balance between strategy and human design and even fewer teach it.

Most exist in the extremes of vibes content or strategic content, which dilutes the power meant to come through your creations.

 I truly believe that this is the most revolutionary content program on the market and nothing exists like it.

You’re ready to:

💸 Be seen as a leader instead of a peer.

💸For your content to lead to more sales. 

💸Master attracting attention so you are seen by the masses.

💸Master influence so when you have offers, people move and buy.

💸Master authority so you are seen as a go-to leader within your industry of work.

You will:

🔑Post and be paid. 

🔑Be able to look at your content and know exactly what to adjust to be seen.

🔑Command influence and be seen as a leader instead of as a peer. 

🔑Be seen on a massive scale because you understand the psychology of attention.

🔑Magnetize people to you through the strengths in your human design. 

🔑Master content that is timeless (not limited to what’s trending and algorithms)

We are covering:

🔐The energetics of successful content creators who are seen as an authority

🔐The strategies to master calling in attention

🔐The strategies to be influential in content

🔐The psychology of why content works and why it doesn’t

🔐How to bring your human design into the psychology of your content to see:

How you’re creating from shadow frequencies and how to stop this so you no longer dilute the power of your work

  • How to be massively magnetic

  • How to apply strategy without diluting people connecting with YOU and seeing you as the one for them

    • We will cover HD types

    • Lines

    • Centers

🔐How to audit your content and adjust in real-time for fast growth




Starting in late June


  • A resounding yes. Can you imagine starting with mastery of the most important key to making money: content?

    To learn not through trial and error but through deep embodiment. If you want things to work fast and to have an extremely powerful foundation to master your content, this is for you.

  • What’s already working, this will amplify. I’ve taken myself to consistent multiple 5 months cash and clients to the same through the things I am teaching you here. If your content is already working and you bring in human design, get ready for it to explode.

  • Lifetime baby. I want you to truly step into mastery in content.

    Which is a continual process of deepening and implementing.

    There's nothing like this in the human design world.

    Most human design programs around content simply go into “if you’re this human design type, do this” Or if you have this center defined, do this.”

    Most human design programs about content are energetics-based without the tangible application or the know-how to gain attention, wield influence, and build authority.

    This taps you into practicality and energetics, not just knowledge. LET'S GOOO!

  • The fact that you're here reading this means that there is a deeper knowing within you. And your mind is going to question it.

    But the mind is not your authority. And when you trust that inner knowing, it leads you on the path of your deepest alignment AND the path of least resistance to your desires. YUM.

    You didn't find this program, it found you. Are you going to trust that this could be the most life-changing step you make?

  • The schedule will be announced as we get close to starting and as the price has gone up.

    Call times vary for different timezones and there is lifetime access to the replays if you cannot make a call.

    There are many live elements and will also be some recorded element to this space. And you will have the opportunity to ask questions.

  • In every way. This goes at least 10 times deeper and covers new topics never talked about in my spaces.

  • I’m teaching you something that is tried and true, tested not just with me, but with my clients.

    This is a comprehensive space of not just vibes, and not just strategies, but a masterful meshing of the 2 so you come out a content master and being paid to create.

  • Send me a DM on instagram